OKOndt GROUP goes on operating for your non-destructive testing needs. Our team works for you to offer the best NDT solutions of top quality, and impeccable services. In September, the group of our experts attended InnoTrans 2024 and could showcase our latest developments to the visitors, as well as discuss current NDT issues and future partnership

Ultrasonic probes for NDT equipment

Ultrasonic contact angle-beam double crystal probes for UT of small-diameter pipes with thin walls

Designation Wedge angle Testing range Effective frequency Pipes diameters (хх) S/N ratio Overall dimensions
degr. mm MHz mm dB mm
P122-5-51-dхх-003* 51 2…5 10±1 25; 28; 30; 32; 36;
38; 42; 45; 48; 50;
57; 60; 76; 83; 89;
102; 108; 114;
133; 159; 219
16 25 х 20 х 20
P122-5-53-dхх-003* 53
P122-5-55-dхх-003* 55

* These probes can be delivered at extra cost.

- operating temperatures range is from minus 10 to plus 50 °С.

Contact angle-beam double crystal head wave probes

Designation Testing range by SО-1 block Probe angle by SО-2 block X-value, up to Effective frequency Overall dimensions, up to
mm degr. mm MHz mm
P122-2.5-65-GV-003* 5-50 65±2 14 2,5±0,25 35 х 23 х 28

* These probes can be delivered at extra cost.

- Probes wich the required probe frequency, crystal diameter and wedge angle can be produced.

- operating temperatures range is from minus 10 to plus 50 °С.