OKOSCAN UT 73HS PICKUP is a system for high-speed ultrasonic (UT) testing of railways. It is integrated with the Customer’s high-rail vehicle Ford F350 XL (SUPER DUTY) and allows conducting of testing at speed of up to 40 km/h (24.85 mph).
The key elements of OKOSCAN UT 73HS PICKUP:
- UT trolley – while moving behind the vehicle in testing mode checks the alterations in track gauge (width) due to extending/retracting pneumatic system
- Equipment placed in the body of vehicle – the operator’s work space with control screens is fitted in the cabin at the rear seat; UT channels, automation and control box, hydraulic station, air compressor, tank for coupling liquid, water supply system, lifting-lowering trolley hydraulic system
OKOSCAN UT 73HS PICKUP is equipped with:
4 immersion wheels (RSUI: roller search unit immersion) - 2 pcs on each side
1 RSUI contains:
- 0° probe – 4 MHz (1 pc)
- 70° probe – 2 MHz (3 pcs)
- 50° probe (side looking) – 2 MHz (1 pc)
- 37 ° probe – 2 MHz (1 pc)
- RSUI positioning system with stepper electric drives, operator-guided (tilt, lifting/lowering, transverse shifting)
- Trolley extending/retracting pneumatic system allows tracking the railways gauge and thus positioning of the RSUI in the rail axis
- Encoder for tracking the track coordinates
- Video surveillance system for condition of probe units
- System of water supplying under RSUI (manually adjusted taps, tubes, nozzles)

The body of OKOSCAN UT 73HS PICKUP contains:
- OKO-24 UT modules (at least 24 pcs) with frequency range 1-7 MHz and pulsory repetition frequency (PRF) up to 4 kHz
- Control box (automation and control)
- Trolley lifting/lowering system with hydraulic station
- Air compressor for trolley extending/retracting system
- System of supplying water under RSUI
Specifications of OKOSCAN UT 73HS PICKUP
- The trolley conducts continuous UT testing of double railway track along the entire length and cross-section except of rail foot flanges at speed of up to 40 km/h (24.85 mph)
- The railway gauge (width) of testing track is 1435 – 1676 mm (to be altered upon Client’s request)
- Detecting of all types of defects: transverse and longitudinal horizontal cracks, bolt holes cracks etc. in accordance with AREMA listing.
- Defects dimensions measurement with saving results of testing in database for further review and analyzing.
- Control methods: echo-impulse and echo-shadow.
Hardware-computing system of OKOSCAN UT 73HS PICKUP
The equipment for processing and visualization of testing results are fitted in the workspace of the operator in the vehicle’s cabin.
It provides collecting of testing results and visualization in A-scan, B-scan modes, generating of control reports, possibility of transmission the results via mobile operators’ 3G/4G protocols.
Preinstalled Software allows to:
- Identify defects automatically and categorize them
- Setup UT control channels (gain, scan parameters, RFC, probe and gates parameters) and save settings in storage
- Visualize the control results in A-scan, B-scan simultaneously on all channels in real time mode
- Register a starting track coordinate, data about controlling area, rails data
- View testing results data with possibility to implement all standard functions of database management system (grading and sampling of according to agreed parameters)
- Generate control protocols (Excel as well)
- Save the testing results of at least 10 000 km due to memory capacity (HDD)
- Automatically link a detected defect to the track and GPS coordinates

OKOSCAN UT 73 HS hardware and computing complex
Equipment for processing and inspection results visualization is located at the operator’s workplace in the vehicle cabin.
The equipment provides for collection of inspection results data, visualization in various modes (A-scan, B-scan), generation of inspection reports, and the possibility of inspection results transmission through mobile operators via the 3G/4G protocol.
Pre-installed Software ensures the following functions:
- Automatic identification of defects and their classification.
- UT control channels settings (gain, sweep parameters, RFC, probe parameters, gates parameters) and saving settings to the DB.
- Inspection results visualization simultaneously in B-scan and A-scan modes for all channels in real time.
- Starting coordinate registration, recording of inspection area data, as well as track data registration.
- Viewing inspection results data with the possibility to implement all standard DBMS functions (sorting and sampling according to agreed parameters).
- Formation of inspection protocols (also in Excel format).
- Memory capacity (HDD) allows you to save inspection results of at least 10,000 km of testing.
- Automatic linking of the detected defect to path and GPS coordinates.