It is impossible to imagine an exhibition of the European Society of Nondestructive control without the participation of representatives of the OKO GROUP, especially in the year of the 25th anniversary of our company manufacturer Ultrakon-Service!
Indeed, from the 11th to the 15th of June our team successfully presented a number of Modern devices for nondestructive testing of own production, part of live, part on the posters that adorn our stand.
This year, the "new member of our team" was the Stas mannequin, equipped with the newest Wireless TOFD system for testing welds. It is not only successful demonstrated the elements of this system, but also allowed to try it on all wishing welding control specialists.
In addition to guests from European countries (Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Czech Republic, Poland, Spain, Bulgaria, France, Italy, Germany, etc.) our stand was visited by guests also from distant countries from other continents - the USA, Brazil, South Korea, Singapore, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt ...
Of course, our friends from all over the world - the leaders of nondestructive testing of countries and continents.
And since this event is not so much an exhibition as a conference, our representatives participated in several sections, as well as jointly with our colleagues from other countries presented the results of their latest developments.
In general, a small but clean and cozy Swedish city of Gothenburg left with our guys the most pleasant memories.