Training Center ULTRACON-SERVICE LLC, together with the Personnel Certification body PCB “UkrSRINDT” and Examination Center for non-destructive testing ECNDT PROMPRYLAD LLC offer services to enterprises and individuals on certification of specialists for I, II and III qualification levels according to standard ISO 9712:2012.
NDT Methods: Eddy current (ЕТ); Magnetic particle (МТ); Penetrant (РТ); Ultrasonic (UT); Visual (VT); Radiographic (RT); Acoustic Emission (AT).
By production technology:
1. Casting (c);
2. Forged pieces (f);
3. Welded joints (w);
4. Pipes (t);
5. Rolled metal (wp);
5 CM. Composite Materials.
Industrial sectors:
6. Metalware manufacture (different combinations - c, f, w, t, wp);
7. Field inspection (different combinations - c, f, w, t, wp);
8. Railway transport (different combinations – f, wp and other sectors by the production technology);
9. EN 4179:2009 “Aerospace series (different combinations - c, f, w, t, wp).
* Training Center for non-destructive testing (TC 'Ultracon-Service') also carries out advanced training and re-certification of NDT inspectors by the following programs:
Ultrasonic testing technique
- Advanced training program for NDT inspectors on carrying out ultrasonic testing of railcar wheel pairs according to the requirements of RD 07.09-97;
- Advanced training program for engineering and technical personnel on carrying out of ultrasonic testing of railcar wheel pairs according to the RD 07.09-97;
- Advanced training program for NDT inspectors on ultrasonic testing of parts of locomotives and multiple units according to 'Instruction on ultrasonic testing of critical parts and one-piece units during repair of traction rolling stock and multiple units "TsT-0069";
- Advanced training program for NDT inspectors on ultrasonic testing of wheel pairs parts of track machines such as VPR, VPRS, R-2000, RB, DGKU, ROM, PMG, MPT, UK, MPD;
- Advanced training program for NDT inspectors on ultrasonic testing of wheel pairs parts of track machines such as RM-80;
- Advanced training program for operators of flaw detection trolleys for ultrasonic testing of rails;
- Advanced training program for NDT inspectors for ultrasonic testing of bearing races of railcar axlebox units;
- Advanced training program for NDT inspectors on ultrasonic testing of welded joints of air boxes of traction train of Ukrzaliznytsia;
- Program of advanced study of a design of UDS2-73MP flaw detectors and its operation order (for operators of flaw detection trolleys);
- Program of in-depth study of UD3-71 flaw detector construction and its operation order (for operators of flaw detection trolleys);
- Program of special-purpose courses on defectogram interpretation such as B-scan (for operators of flaw detection trolleys).

Eddy current testing technique
- Advanced training program for NDT inspectors on eddy current testing of bearing rollers (using VD131ND), according to 'US.002-00.00. 000 RE'.
Magnetic particle testing technique
- Advanced training program for NDT inspectors on magnetic particle testing of railcars parts.
Also, Training Center Ultracon-Service LLC carries out pre-certification training of candidates for certification on I and II qualification levels according to DSTU EN 473.
Everyone who wants to approve or improve the qualification level is invited for cooperation.
You are welcome for training and we look forward to seeing you!