October 2-5 2017, г. Chisinau, Moldova
Ukrainian scientific research institute for Non-destructive testing (UkrSRINDT), Kiev, is the leading developer and manufacturer of non-destructive testing means for the railway “space 1520” for 20 years period.
Taking into account the importance of the railway service security increase as well as the constantly growing requirements to the testing and to the tendency to more accurate equipment implementation, the decision to hold the III International Conference “Modern Rolling Stock of the Space 1520: challenges and priorities. Technical policy and non-destructive testing” on October 2-5, 2017 in Chisinau, Moldova, at Jolly Alon Hotel was taken by the UkrSRINDT.
Conference Purpose: experience exchange and learning of the development perspectives of the modern rolling stock material. Definition of the non-destructive testing role in the railway transport security increase.
Conference Steering Committee:
Steering Committee Chairman:
M.U.Gagauz, Deputy General Manager for Technical Services and Repairing of the State Enterprise “Railroads of Moldova”
T.M.Lutsenko, General manager of the Joint Stock Company “OKOndt GROUP”, Deputy Director of the “UkrSRINDT”
V.S. Krot, manager of the engineering and technical services of PJSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” (“Ukrainian railroad”)
General tasks during the process of the freight wagon and passenger trains building and repairing;
Modernizing and technical refurbishment of the car-repair and car production facilities, implementation of the up-to-date technologies and equipment for production and repair of the rolling stock details;
Unified standards effective application at the railway products manufacturing;
Standardization and certification at the railroad transport in the field of technical regulations system unity assurance at the “Space 1520”;
Safety, reliability and functionality of the railroad 1520 infrastructure;
Personnel certification and non-destructive testing labs approval;
perspective technologies and high-efficient problem solutions in the non-destructive testing for rolling stock, traction vehicle and multiple unit;
Non-destructive requirements fulfilling troubles according to the Regulations ПР НК В.2 и ПР НК В.4.
Conference working language: Russian.
More than 20 reports are enlisted in the Conference program including the following:
1. Actual condition of personnel preparing, qualification and certification in the field of non-destructive testing at the railway transport according to the ISO 9712;
2. Main tasks of the engineering and technical services at the car-repair plants and loco sheds of the railroad 1520;
3. Axle box bearing vibration testing method of the railcar wheelsets;
4. Residual voltage gauging in the rail wheels in the process of their exploitation, as well as at the acceptance in compliance with EN13262;
5. Non-destructive testing divisions (labs) qualification at the car-repair plants in compliance with ПР НК В.2;
6. Molded and stamp-welded railcar details testing in accordance with ПР НК В.3, ПР НК В.4 requirements;
7. Requirements to ultrasonic testing of the railcars units and details welded joints in compliance with ПР НК В.5 requirements;
8. New technical solutions in creation of the favorable conditions for the service staff in the process of the rolling stock technical service and repairing.
I and II International Conferences were held in 2015 and 2016 in Batumi, Georgia. The Divisions Heads and Chief Engineers of the car department, locomotive, rail tracks facility and the traffic safety, Directors and Chief Engineers of car-production and car-repair facilities from Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Moldova.
You are welcome to take part in the III International Conference “Modern Rolling Stock of the Space 1520: challenges and priorities. Technical policy and non-destructive testing” which takes place on October 2-5, 2017 in Chisinau, Moldova.
To take part in the Conference it is required to fill in the Application (Attachment 1), and sent it via email or fax:
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
tel./fax: +38-044-531-37-27; +38-044-531-37-26
mob: +38-067-858-98-53
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