May, 16-17, 2018 Kiev
Since 1996, “OKOndt GROUP” traditionally carries out the annual Conference and Exhibition “Non-Destructive Testing”.
Every year this conference and exhibition is supported by the following adherents who take an active part in it:
- Ukrainian Society for Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostic (USNDT);
- E.O.Paton Electric Welding Institute of NAS of Ukraine;
- National Aviation University;
- G.V.Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Lvov.

Besides the abovementioned, the wide range of enterprises and organizations were involved, such as:
- PJSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” (Ukrainian Railroads);
- Branch of the PJSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” “Darnytsia Car-Repair Plant”, Kiev
- Branch of the PJSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” “Paniutino Car-Repair Plant”, town Paniutino, Kharkov region;
- Branch of the PJSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” “Stryi Car-Repair Plant”, town Stryi, Lvov region;
- Branch of the PJSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” “Scientific Research and Engineering Institute of the Railway Transport” (SREI Branch), Kiev;
- Branch of the PJSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” “Ukrainian state centre of refrigerated rail transport”, Fastov, Kiev region;
- SE “Antonov”, Kiev;
- JSC “MOTOR SICH”, Zaporozhie;
- AC “Ukrainian International Airlines”, Kiev;
- SE “National Nuclear Energy Generating Company "ENERGOATOM";
- SE “Scientific and Production Society “Pavlograd Chemical Plant” (SE “SPS “PCP”, town Pavlograd, Dnipropetrovsk region;
- PJSC "Ilyich Iron and Steel Works”, town Mariupol, Donetsk region;
- “Kremenchuk Steel Works Stockholding Company”, Kremenchug, Poltava region;
- PJSC “Interpipe NTRP”, Dnepr;
- JSC “Nasosenergomash Sumy ”, Sumy;
- LLC “TC “Spetsmontazh”, Kiev;
- LLC “INTRON-SET Ltd”, Kiev;
- LLC “Pridneprovskiy ACNDT and TD”, Dnepr;
- LLC “Kharkov professional college”, Kharkov, and other companies and organizations.
Besides Ukrainian specialists, the representatives of the foreign companies and organizations from CIS countries and Europe, such as Germany, France, Great Britain, Spain, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia and others took part in the Conference and Exhibitions. Conference program traditionally includes the activities in the following fields and directions:
- railway (car department, locomotive service and rail track facility);
- aviation engineering and technical service for the aircraft;
- heat energy, nuclear energy;
- oil-and-gas and pipelines;
- machinery;
- metallurgy;
- NDT personnel training and certification.

We shall emphasize that, besides the organization of interesting and fruitful work for the participants during the event, the organizers always pay due attention to the participants disposition issue taking into account personal preferences. During the Conference and Exhibitions the ambiance for an interesting communication and for consultations between colleagues is created. Please, be advised that the participation in the Conference is free of charge (except settlement and board) – all the expenses are covered by the “OKOndt GROUP”.
During the upcoming conference it is planned to discuss new pilot projects and to consider the perspectives of development in manual and automated non-destructive testing (devices, equipment and technologies) in different industrial fields. A special attention will be paid to the specialists compliant training and certification issue during the Conference.
In terms of the Conference and Exhibition “Non-Destructive Testing 2018” you will have the possibility to exchange the experience for the whole year, share the achievements and raised issues for mutual search of solutions, speak about your offers and suggestions.
Steering Committee of the Conference and Exhibitions “Non-Destructive Testing 2018” will do their best to make your participation in the event maximum effective and interesting for you due to their fruitful preparations and creation of the positive atmosphere for consultations, communication and leisure in the unofficial ambiance.
List of Reports:
General reports, Energy, oil-and-gas industry, pipelines.
1. Innovative interface for the manual UTC in Sonocon B flaw detector. UTC automatizing by the means of modern Ethernet channels.
2. Eddy current channels use for the NDT automatizing in Eddycon C device.
3. TOFD method realisation in order to increase quality and efficacy of the ultrasonic inspection of the welded joints. TOFD-man system.
4. Heat-exchange tube inspection of the vapour generators LCS 1000 M using new types Eddy current devices.
5. NDT of the solid ceramic isolators.
6. Acoustic-emission testing of the technological piping at the industrial plants. GALS-1 system application in diagnostics of the critical industrial object.
Machinery and metallurgy
7. Magnetic particle testing automatizing at the products turnout.
8. Automatized UTC of the railway axles at the production in accordance with the International Standards (EN, ISO, AAM).
9. UT and Eddy current automatized testing systems implementation for the rollers.
10. Unique development of the UT-transdusers in accordance with the international requirements and standards (EN, ISO).
11. Eddy current testing devices in the aircraft.
12. UTC carrying out experience in the aircraft Boeing construction details under the exploitation conditions.
13. Automatized eddy current testing system SmartScan for the aircraft wheels.
14. Application of the acoustic-emission testing at expanding the service life of the 18-100 models bogies.
15. NDT of the wheelsets elements in all the types of repair in accordance with the ПР НК В.2 requirements and their correlation with GOST and RD new projects.
16. UTC of the welded joints of the safety-related units and railway cars details at all the types of repairs in accordance with ПР НК В.5 requirements.
17. Vibrodiagnostics testing method of the axle box bearings of the railway car wheelsets in accordance with the РД32 ЦВ 109-2011.
18. Use of the mechanized and manual flaw detectors in rails and welded joints testing in the process of their exploitation.
19. NDT personnel certification specifics at the PJSC “Ukrainian Railroads” enterprises.
We are waiting for you at the Conference-Exhibition “Non-Destructive Testing 2018”!

Please, contact the Steering Committee if you have questions regarding the participation:
Tel./fax:((044) 531-37-27, 531-37-26
Contact person:
Kubrak Liliya Nugzarovna
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
mobile. +38 (067) 858-98-53