OKOndt GROUP goes on operating for your non-destructive testing needs. Our team works for you to offer the best NDT solutions of top quality, and impeccable services. In September, the group of our experts attended InnoTrans 2024 and could showcase our latest developments to the visitors, as well as discuss current NDT issues and future partnership

Conferences and Exhibitions

Conference and Exhibition " NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING 2015" has become a good tradition and once again gathered NDT experts on the 12th  and 13th of  May at the Exhibition Hall of "OKOndt GROUP".
"OKOndt GROUP" hosted  the "NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING 2015" conference with the support and assistance of the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Non-DestructiveTesting (UkrSRINDT), scientific-production enterprises "Promprylad" and "Ultracon-Service", the Ukrainian Society for Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics (US NDT).

SE "Ukrzaliznytsia" (Ukrainian Railways); SE "Ukrspetsvagon", Panyutin township, Kharkiv region; SE "Darnitskiy Railway-Car Repair Plant", Kyiv; PJSC "Kremenchuk Steel Works Stockholding Company", Kremenchug town; SE "Stryjski Railway-Car Repair Works", Stryi town; SE Ukrainian State centre of rail refer transportation "Ukrreftrans" Fastov town;  PJSC " Ilyich Iron and Steel Works of Mariupol", Mariupol town; SE "State Research Center of Railway Transport of Ukraine", Kyiv; PJSC "Interpipe NTRP", Dnepropetrovsk; JSC "Sumy plant "Nasosenergomash", Sumy, SE "NGO "Pavlograd Chemical Plant", Pavlograd town; CJSC " Ukrainian International Airlines", Kyiv; SE "Antonov", Kyiv; Institute of Electric welding named after E. O. Paton of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv; Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia; " Technical Committee "Spetsmontazh", Kyiv; "Kharkov professional college" LLC, Kharkov; "Pridneprovsky Certification Center of non-destructive testing and technical diagnostics" LLC, Dnepropetrovsk; SE "State Research Center of Railway Transport of Ukraine", Kyiv; National Aviation University, Kyiv; "Intron-Set LTD", Donetsk, and other companies and organizations were the guests of the conference.

The conference program included work in the following areas:

  • Clarification of the rules of non-destructive testing of railway transport: NDT Rules B.1 - B.5 (B.1 - Rules of nondestructive testing of cars, their parts and components during repair. General principles;
    • B.2 - Rules of  nondestructive testing of parts and components of cars wheel pairs during repair. Special requirements;
    • B.3 - Rules of nondestructive testing of cast cargo car truck parts during repair. Special requirements;
    • B.4 - Rules of nondestructive testing of parts of automatic coupling device and braking leverage of cars during repair. Special requirements;
    • B.5 - Rules of nondestructive testing of welded joints during cars repair. Special requirements) operating in 1520 area, approved by the fifty-seventh session of the Council for Rail Transport of CIS member states, 16-17 October, 2012, Ashgabat.
  • Non-destructive testing as an important element of safety measures on the railways.
  • Seminar on the experience exchange between the Personnel certification bodies in the field of Non-Destructive Testing, Training and Certification centers.
  • Automated testing in various industries.
  • Non-destructive testing in Aviation and maintenance of aircraft.

The opening of the conference "NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING 2015" was held on 12 May at 10:00 with a speech of the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Deputy Director of "Promprylad" LLC, Tatyana Mikhailovna Lutsenko. A welcoming speech to the participants was addressed by the Chairman of the Ukrainian Society of NDT and technical diagnostics, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V. A. Troitskiy.

The main theme of the first day of the conference was questions of non-destructive testing technology of railways. Given the importance of reliable and continuous operation of railway transport, the work began with a discussion of the Rules of the NDT Rules B.1 - B.5 operating in 1520 area, approved by the fifty-seventh session of the Council for Rail Transport of CIS member states, on 16-17 October, 2012, Ashgabat.

The Rules regulate general requirements applicable to organization and types (methods) of non-destructive testing, conditions and performance of non-destructive testing, and also establish general requirements for technical documentation of non-destructive testing, NDT means and qualification of NDT personnel.

Explanations were given on the following issues:

• NDT Rules B.1 "Rules of nondestructive testing of cars, their parts and components during repair. General principles."
- The current state of training, qualification and certification of NDT personnel in railway transport.

• NDT Rules B.2 "Rules of  nondestructive testing of parts and components of cars wheel pairs during repair. Special requirements."
• NDT Rules B.3 "Rules of nondestructive testing of cast cargo car truck parts during repair. Special requirements."

• NDT Rules B.4 "Rules of nondestructive testing of parts of automatic coupling device and braking leverage of cars during repair. Special requirements."
• NDT Rules B.5 "Rules of nondestructive testing of welded joints during cars repair. Special requirements."

In the afternoon there were reports affecting topical issues of non-destructive testing of technical objects of railways transport and safety on the railways of Ukraine.

The specialists of "Promprylad", "Ultracon-Service" and UkrSRINDT read the following reports:

  • Automated testing of wheel sets elements. The experience of application of multichannel ultrasonic flaw detector UD4-94- ОКО-01 with a set of specialized scanners USO-01 and USK-01. Authors: V. P. Mishchenko, Head of NDT Technologies Department, UT leading engineer, UT III level; V. Storozhenko, production engineer, UT II level, "Promprylad" LLC, Kyiv.
  • Magnetic Particle portable equipment for wet fluorescent-penetrant inspection of freight car trolleys in accordance with the requirements of NDT Rules B.3 "Rules of nondestructive testing of cast cargo car truck parts during repair. Special requirements." Author: D. N. Bondarchuk, Deputy Head of NDT Technologies Department of UkrSRINDT, MT II level specialist.
  • Integrated NDT of wheel pairs of cars by Ultrasonic and Eddy Current methods. Author: A. V. Svistun, UT leading production engineer, UT III level, "Promprylad" LLC, Kyiv.
  • Vibrodiagnostic complex of axle box nodes of wheel sets "Revizor-KP." Author: A. V. Rudyka, production engineer of UkrSRINDT.
  • Acoustic emission testing of cast parts of trolleys when extending their life period. Author: D. V. Galanenko, UT leading engineer, UT and AT III level, UkrSRINDT.

Also on 12, May there was a seminar on sharing experience between the Personnel Certification bodies in NDT field, Training and Certification centers. Traditionally, the head of the workshop was V. I. Radko, Deputy Director of UkrSRINDT, Ph.D., UT III level, VT, MT, PT.

Guests of the seminar actively discussed and exchanged their views on the following issues:

  1. Recommendations of WG 1 ICNDT on the application of ISO 9712: 2012 Standart.
  2. The policy of the National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine (NAAU) applied for accreditation of the Conformity Assessment Bodies (CAB).
  3. Training, qualification and certification of NDT personnel in Ukraine.
  4. Experience of Systems operation for determining the qualifications of NDT personnel:
    • In the field of voluntary certification;
    • In aircraft;
    • In rail transport;
    • In shipbuilding;
    • In nuclear industry.
  5. Discussion of the reports, exchanging of views on the optimization of the systems of the NDT personnel qualification, offers on cooperation.

Among the seminar participants a big interest was caused by the report of A. A. Deyneko on the work of distance training of NDT personnel conducted by the training center "Kharkov professional college."

The conference participants got acquaintance with the material and technical base (NDT facilities and tools, training and exam samples, training and certification classes) and the procedures used by the training center of "Ultracon-Service" and TCNDT "Promprylad" for training and certification of NDT personnel and its subsequent certification at PCB UkrSRINDT.

On 13 May, the second day of the Conference "Non-Destructive Testing 2015", most of the reports was devoted to automated testing in various industries.

The companies of "OKOndt GROUP" have a full base for the development of new NDT tools and technologies, procedural documentation and, accordingly, are the leading domestic manufacturers of automated NDT systems.
The main themes of the discussion were:

  • Technology of automated ultrasonic testing of welded longitudinal pipes and their role in improving the quality of products. Author: A. V. Yurchenko, the leading UT III level engineer, V. Storozhenko, production engineer, UT II level, "Promprylad" LLC, Kyiv.
  • Integrated approach in solving NDT tasks of weldless pipes at their release from manufacture to meet international and national standards. Author: V. P. Mishchenko, Head of  NDT technology department, the leading UT tooling engineer, UT III level; A. V. Yurchenko, the leading UT III level engineer; A. V. Opanasenko, design engineer, VT III level specialist, "Promprylad" LLC, Kyiv.
  • Technologies of automated ultrasonic testing of finishing axes and rotating bodies of different dimension in their manufacture. Authors: A. V. Mishchenko, Head of NDT technology department, the leading UT tooling engineer, UT III level; V. Storozhenko, production engineer, UT II level, P. Skok, "Promprylad" LLC, Kyiv.
  • Process automation of magnetic particle inspection of rail wheels at their release from manufacture. Upgrade of output products. Authors: D. Bondarchuk, Deputy Chief of NDT technology department, MT II level Specialist, "Promprylad" LLC, Kyiv.
  • Systems for MT automated inspection in aviation and machinery. Authors: D. N. Bondarchuk, Deputy Chief of NDT technology department, MT II level Specialist, "Promprylad" LLC, Kyiv.
  • Non-destructive testing of rails in their manufacture in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 51685, EN13674: 1-2011. Authors: V. Mishchenko, Head of NDT technology department, the leading UT tooling engineer, UT III level; A. V. Yurchenko, the leading UT III level engineer, "Promprylad" LLC, Kyiv.
  • Implementation of TOFD and Delta methods as a step to upgrading and performance of ultrasonic testing of welds. Author: A.V. Svistun, UT leading production engineer, UT III level; A. V. Yurchenko, the leading UT III level engineer, "Promprylad" LLC, Kyiv.
  • Eddy Current method for detecting the defects in operated gas turbine components. Author: V. N. Uchanin, Physical and Mechanical Institute named G. V. Karpenko of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Member of the International Academy of non-destructive testing; Giuseppe Nardoni, President of the International Academy of non-destructive testing, Brescia, Italy.

At the end of the conference the experts of Scientific and Production Companies "Ultracon Service" and "Promprylad", A. N. Chernenko and A. V. Opanasenko, made  a report on the possibility of usage of ultrasonic and eddy current inspection methods in aviation. The issues on ultrasonic testing of structural elements of Boeing 737 -300, -400, -500 in operating conditions were discussed and the use of universal eddy current flaw detector VD3-81 for the testing of aircraft engines disks, and operational testing of aircraft nodes.

Throughout the conference duration there was the exhibition of NDT devices and means manufactured by the enterprises of "OKOndt GROUP", where there was the possibility of observing the testing process of the presented samples and to get practical answers on the equipment operation.

The conference program and communion of interests contributed to creating a comfortable environment for free and live communication, exchange of views and searching new solutions for NDT tasks.

The May Conference, in same tradition, was a varied program, informative reports and exciting discussions, - all this is the evidence that "NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING 2015" is a professional event in the sector, which reflects the development trend of this field, and annually brings together the leading NDT experts.

We hope that new events in NDT world will bring you to Kiev again and again!

Dear friends and colleagues, see you next time!